7 Easy Steps To Turn Your Twitter Account Into An SEO Magnet

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When trying to promote your business online, there are so many methods available for you to utilize. Nowadays, most business owners would resort to Social Media and SEO because these techniques are incredibly well-known – Twitter is one of the most reliable and effective tools that you can turn to. More and more people are using Twitter not just for personal purposes, but for business intent. Now, in order to boost your business, it is necessary that you turn your twitter account into an SEO magnet.

The great news is that there are many ways that you can employ so that you can attain your goal in the most successful manner. With determination and drive, nothing is really impossible. Of course, you will also need to utilize the right techniques and methods so that you can reach your goal easily and quickly.

Check out these 7 Easy Steps To Turn Your Twitter Account Into An SEO Magnet:

SEO your Twitter Username
Ensure that your Twitter username is the same with your Twitter domain address. Avoid using underscores or any characters between the words of Username. Make it short, yet catchy. Make it at least 10 characters. A good example is Synergy Professional Services that offers training services. The username should be @SPSTraining.

Link your existent URL
Make sure that you use your real website or blog URL so that you can easily build trust with your visitors and possible prospects. This would certainly give them a great reason to access and visit your actual website. Avoid using shorteners on your Twitter profile URL as this could evoke skepticism.

SEO your Twitter Bio
You need to be aware that Google utilizes your Twitter Bio content as the Meta description of your Twitter profile on search results. Now, it is recommended that make the most out of the 160 characters limit and make a keyword rich Bio to easily attract possible clients. A great Twitter Bio must be informative, compelling, attention-getting and has keywords that represent your business.

SEO your Twitter Profile Picture
Your Twitter Profile Photo must be keyword based name separated by dashes. This is necessary so that visitors would easily identify what is the nature of your business. For example: xyz-la-fitness-training.jpg. Also, make sure that your image has limited 250 x 250 for optimal page loading speed.

SEO your Tweets
It is also necessary to SEO your tweets so that your site can have more visibility on search results. Your tweets must include keyword hash tags and phrases. According to studies, including keywords in your tweets can increase your search engine rankings. It also a great idea to save your relevant tweets in the favorite category. Getting a lot of retweets would amplify your Social Authority, giving your ranking a boot.

SEO Your Twitter Lists
Search engines love Twitter lists, even if this application is just new. Leverage your twitter lists for optimal SEO results. For beginners, it is advised to make your lists public and add keyword phrases in your list name. For example: XYZ SEO. Twitter lists commonly come in unique URLS that can be used on Facebook posts and blogs. Just a piece of advice though, be choosy when filling your lists and avoid making ultra lengthy lists. Followers would only follow good and worthy lists, so ensure that your list is worthy of following.

SEO Your Twitter Videos
Another effective method of making your Twitter an SEO magnet is by embedding and sharing videos within the Twitter stream. You can apply both video marketing and real-time search. One useful tip is to make your Twitter videos short, but catchy in order to fit the video into Twitter’s micro blogging nature.

Lastly, make sure that you connect your Twitter profile to everywhere like Facebook, blog website, LinkedIn, Newsletter, etc. In addition, submit your Twitter profile to other Twitter directories such as WeFollow, TwitterHolic and TrackingTwitter. This would allow your profile to become more visible on the Internet, where possible prospects could easily access your website.

What are you waiting for? Follow these helpful and effective tips so that you can turn your Twitter account into an incredible SEO magnet. Indeed, you will be able to reach success in no time. Good luck.

This article was provided by Steve at buyfollowerstwitter.co.uk, a marketing agency who aims to help you grow Twitter Followers in the UK


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1 thought on “7 Easy Steps To Turn Your Twitter Account Into An SEO Magnet

  1. Real Estate Manual

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