The Long Island Accent

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The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color of Jupiter’s third moon and the number 3,333,333.
1. Billy Mays died about a year ago. What kitchen gadgets have you bought that you’ve used less than three times? What are they? I bought these nifty measuring spoons from Pamperd Chef last year but never used them.

2. What celebrity would you like to shake some sense into, and why? too many to name. It really annoys me when celebrity cheat on each other!  Get a divorce first or don’t get married in the first place!

3. Jimmy Buffett just did on concert to benefit the victims of the Gulf. Name a Buffett song that you like. Margaritaville? I think thats the only one I know!

4. How did you feel about Ringo Starr turned 70? Im ok with it, everyone gets old

5. What sport do you absolute see no point in watching? Golf

6. Trivia time. Do you know the first names of the French twins? I didn’t know they existed

7. You are in the best seafood restaurant in Canada. What type of meat do you order? Beef. I hate seafood.  Im possibly allergic to shellfish.  I had a nasty reaction after taking some of those joint health pills that have Gulcosamine in them.

8. How far would an electric car have to go without a recharge before you’d buy one? Like 200 miles. 

9. Did you see that a high court ruled that you can swear on regular TV? What word can you just not wait to hear? I really wish they didn’t ok it. There is no need for children to hear swear words on tv.  They probably hear enough of it at home and at school as it is

10. You are in the finest steak and rib joint in Kimberville (Arizona). What seafood dish do you order? I refuse to eat seafood

11. What was the last concert that you attended that really sucked? I don’t go that often and when I do go, they seem to have always ROCKED!

12. What type of accent would you like to have, if you were forced to change yours? I love my Lawn-Guy-Lin accent although it is slowly fading away since I have been living in Western NY for some time now.  

I’ll eat my arange and buy some chopped meat. I’ll have a soda while sitting on my stoop.  I will stop and get cawfe while im walking my dawg awl the time.  Then I will go to the park and play some bawl.  There is no lawr about having too much chawcolate.  If there was that would be a bad idear.

Basically just throw some “r” or “w” around and you get the lawnguylin accent : )  Think Ray Romano – He grew up on Long island and his accent was very noticable on Everybody loves Raymond! Tony always laughs because Ray sounds just like my family!
If i had to change it,  I guess a NYC one wouldn’t be so bad.  And yes, If your from the area you can tell the difference between the accents.  The NYC one is a little tougher, a little faster and I little harsher.

13. Kimber’s got four kids with chicken pox. Berleen is not feeling the love today, so I was asked to host. What do you miss most when neither originator of TT is asking the questions?
What no random lady walking into a bar?   No duck today?
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