How Do You Get Rid Of Pet Urine Stains And Odor On Carpet And Wood Floors?

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Pets are a joy to have around, and this is why most American households have dogs or cats. These domestic animals are playful and affectionate, and they are loyal companions too. Dogs also act as guards that protect a home from burglars. But when you have pets around, things can easily get messy especially if you keep them indoors. For instance, an untrained puppy can urinate on your carpet, or a pet can have an accident on your sofa. In case such things occur, how do you clean up after your furry friends? Below are a few tips that you might find helpful to clean up pet urine stains and odor.

Removing Pet Urine Stains

Urine has a strong odor and it will leave a stain if it’s not cleaned right away. There are many ways to clean up urine depending on where your pet did the deed.

pet urine stains

Pet Urine Stains on Carpet

– Blot the urine with a damp, absorbent cloth. Do this step a few times or until you have removed most of the wetness or stain. If the urine is already a couple of hours old, the moisture has already soaked into the carpet. Don’t despair. Slightly wet a clean cloth or some paper towels. Place these on top of the affected area. Get a heavy item, say, a huge book. Make sure to properly cover the book with plastic because you’ll need to put this on the damp towels. Allow the book to firmly press on the surface for about 10 minutes. The weight of the book will push the rags deeper into the carpet and these will better absorb the urine.

– Mix a teaspoon of vinegar with a liter of warm water. The vinegar aids in loosening and extracting the stain, and it is also a well-known deodorizer. Put the solution in a spray bottle and then spray and blot the stained surface a couple of times.

– If you still notice a faint urine scent, use a product that is specially designed to remove pet stains and odors. These usually contain enzymes that break up the protein in the urine.

Pet Urine Stains on Wood Floors

– Wet a clean cloth using a vinegar and water mixture. Squeeze excess moisture, and then use the fabric to wipe the urine. When doing this, don’t allow your floor to become too wet as this can cause the wood to expand.

– In order to get rid of any remaining odor, sprinkle some baking soda onto the surface. Leave this for a few hours or overnight, if preferred. Baking soda helps in absorbing the unpleasant odor. So, like vinegar, it also acts as a deodorizer. Clean up baking soda using a slightly damp cloth.

– Sometimes, animal urine leaves a dark-colored stain. One way to get rid of the discoloration is by using hydrogen peroxide or bleach. Apply some bleach on the stained surface and allow the substance to sit for a few hours. Wipe away with a damp cloth. Repeat the entire process a few times or until the stain has been successfully removed. But there are also issues when using bleach as some formulations are pretty concentrated and these will leave permanent marks on wood. To address this issue, you will have to sand and re-stain the affected part.

– For really stubborn stains and odors that you can’t get rid of on your own, you may have to call expert cleaners. They usually utilize oxidizing agents, as well as steam machines for such jobs.

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The article is by Claire Flint, a regular blogger who has written for hundreds of satisfied online clients. She often discusses home improvement issues and she also writes comparisons about the services of different San Francisco power washing companies.

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