Introducing: BoxiePro ™ Deep Clean Probiotic Cat Litter!

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BoxiePro Litter

I like to think we are pretty on top of what is new and innovative in the world of cat products, but we somehow missed when BoxiePro ™ Deep Clean Probiotic Cat Litter was first released. Thankfully they offered to send me a bag to review and put their new product to the test.

Why would you need probiotics in a cat litter?IRA_Logo_2018_medium

In third party lab tests, BoxiePro™ probiotics eliminated 100% of bacteria in the litter box. By wiping out harmful bacteria and odors in the litter box, BoxiePro keeps your cat and home cleaner and healthier.  Because BoxiePro stays so clean and forms smaller and lighter clumps, it is also longer-lasting, which is important to remember because this litter isn’t exactly cheap. I just went a week, and with regular scooping, I only had to add a tiny bit of additional litter.  Also, I put a thin layer of BoxiePro in our other litterboxes to help deodorize them.  I still have over half our original bag of litter left.  This litter may be more expensive, but it does last a lot longer than other clumping litters.

Toss Less Save Money

Nobody likes the smell of the litter box wafting through their home.  The probiotics seem to be doing a great job of keeping the odors at bay. As for tracking, the BoxiePro is the same as other litters we have used.  We have a bunch of litter mats that catch the litter so it never really gets tracked outside of the room we have the litterboxes in.

Oliver puts the BoxiePro Litter to the test

Oliver checking out bag of BoxiePro

Oliver checking out the bag of BoxiePro


Oliver has gained some weight and has had some issues lately where he doesn’t squat down or spread his back legs to urinate and the urine splashes all over, making a mess of the litter box (and gets all over his back feet).  Last weekend, I cleaned out all the litter boxes and put BoxiePro in Oliver’s favorite box.  As soon as I finished pouring the litter in, Oliver hopped in and urinated.  With other litters, his urine would soak down to the bottom, and create sort of a mud at the bottom that was impossible to scoop up. With the BoxiePro the urine clump instantly hardened right on top, before it had a chance to soak down.  A fast clumping litter is important because Oliver doesn’t usually cover his business, and usually just walks out  – often stepping where he just urinated. Nobody wants urine/litter caked paws walking around their house.  I was curious if it was as hard of a clump as it looked, so I scooped it right away.  It came up in one solid clump, without breaking apart.  That is because BoxiePro features Flat Top™ Litter.

What is Flat Top™ Litter?Hard Flat Top™ clumps form instantly

Hard Flat Top™ clumps form instantly on the top of the litter box, rather than soaking to the bottom. This makes it easy to scoop and keeping the litter box ultra-clean throughout use.  These clumps make it so much easier to scoop – no more digging trying to scrape litter off the bottom of the box.

Oliver hasn’t had any clumps of litter on his paws since we put the BoxieCat in his favorite litter box, and I believe it is because it clumps and hardens before he can step in it.

I found this video on the Boxie Cat Youtube Channel, which demonstrates how fast it clumps, and how flat the clumps are.

In addition to a youtube channel, they also are active on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

BoxiePro is available on their website,  most major Pet Chains,
as well as our favorite online pet store –
and even


Boxie also has a BoxiePro Scoop & Spray Litter Extender™ which is BRAND New! This product will be available to ship starting June 3, 2019, but you can pre-order it now on their website – I did!  One thing I loved about checking out on was that you can checkout with PayPal or google pay. I didn’t have to get up and go get my wallet!


  • Extends the life of any type of litter
  • Reduces germs
  • Eliminates odors
  • Probiotic odor encapsulator™
  • Won’t cause clumps

Once we receive it and use it for a while, we will report back on how it works!

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20 thoughts on “Introducing: BoxiePro ™ Deep Clean Probiotic Cat Litter!

  1. Sean eccles

    We use so much litter would love to see how this differs to my usual one!
    Would definitely keep buying if I see the benefits

  2. Sheila Ressel

    I have a couple of older cats who make messes in and out of the litter box. This sounds like it would solve a lot of the problems just like it did with your cat. I’ll have to give it a try.

  3. Maryann D.

    I love that BoxiePro ™ Deep Clean Probiotic Cat Litter eliminates bacteria. This really sounds worthwhile to try for my cat.

  4. Sandy Weinstein

    never heard of this, very unique. dont really understand how probiotics would be in cat litter though. thought probiotics was something you ingested. so this is something very new.

  5. Betty Curran

    My cat is very particular about her litter box and if it isn’t clean enough – well, you don’t want to know what happens. I’d love to try this to keep her happy..


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