Is Your Cat in Heat? Here Are 4 Alternatives to Surgical Sterilization

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Did you know that over 2.7 million cats and dogs in the U.S. must be euthanized every year because they have no home? Overpopulation of pets and owners neglecting to spay or neuter have contributed to the epidemic of stray cats and dogs. Surgical sterilization, or the traditional spaying and neutering process, can be expensive, time-consuming, and even dangerous. So, what’s the solution? There are alternatives to surgical sterilization that can provide another solution to the problem.

What to Do if Your Cat is in Heat

A female cat’s heat will last several days or up to two weeks. When a cat is in heat, it’s clearly evident, as the cat will be howling and yowling, displaying, and wanting plenty of extra attention. Some cats will also bleed, which can make a huge mess on furniture and the remainder of your home. A popular option for cat owners is diapers, which can help keep the mess contained instead of all over the floor. For an inexpensive option, Pet Parents has cat diapers for sale that can help keep your cat comfortable and your house clean during her heat cycles. They’re washable, easy to use, and can even help with other issues, like incontinence, pregnancy prevention, and protecting any wounds.

However, some people don’t want to deal with a heat cycle at all. If that’s the case for you, here are four options to consider that don’t require the traditional surgical sterilization procedure.

1. Injectable Sterilization
This method uses an injectable compound of zinc gluconate and arginine, which is an amino acid. The mixture is injected into a male cat’s testes, which then shrink visibly and make the animal sterile. This method doesn’t involve any type of anesthesia or surgery and can be done in less than one minute. It’s also been approved for use in the U.S. by the FDA. The average cost is about $250.

2. Immunocontraceptives
This method involves a vaccine that targets a hormone in dogs and cats that is essential for reproduction. The best advantage to this method is that it doesn’t require any type of surgery. It’s also safe enough to use on other mammals, like horses. When used in cats, it can even help activate their immune system to fight feline cancers or infectious diseases. However, this method hasn’t been approved for use in the U.S. It would also require booster vaccines about every two years to ensure they stay infertile.

3. Vasectomy (Male Cats)
This technique is just like with humans. It involves a very simple incision in the scrotum to cut the vas deferens, and then it’s tied and blocked to prevent sperm from entering the ejaculate. This method is ideal because it’s quick, simple, and has almost no downtime for the cat. However, keep in mind that, since the cat will still retain its testicles, it will continue to display hormone-related behavior like spraying, humping, or marking.

4. Tubal Ligation (Female Cats)
This is only for female cats and does require a surgical procedure, but it doesn’t require the level of surgery that traditional sterilization requires. In traditional methods, the entire uterus and ovaries are removed. Tubal ligation involves a simple blocking of the Fallopian tubes, which prevents sperm from reaching the egg and therefore prevents pregnancy. One advantage to this method is that it allows for normal hormone production in female cats and is much less invasive than the standard surgical sterilization procedure.

Alternatives to Invasive Surgical Sterilization
Dealing with a cat in heat can be very challenging. That’s why it’s essential to consider alternative methods. The problem of overpopulation with pets in the U.S. has turned into an epidemic. With millions of pets euthanized every year because they have no home, it’s critically important to neuter and spay pets to help stop pet overpopulation. Consider these minimally invasive alternatives to traditional surgical sterilization methods to keep your pets happy and safe.

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1 thought on “Is Your Cat in Heat? Here Are 4 Alternatives to Surgical Sterilization

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