My Reoccurring Nightmare

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Photo credit: Schick from

In the past week I have had two very similar dreams.  The first one I don’t remember a lot of details but the house I was in was on fire. Not just a small fire either, I’m talking the whole house engulfed in flames.  I don’t remember seeing anyone else in the house with me. All I really remember was looking around, almost in slow motion and being surrounded by flames, but was not being burned.

A few days later I had the next house fire dream.  I remember calmly  trying to find all of my cats and a fireman walked into the room I was in asking if it was just me, or anyone else in the house. I very proudly stated ” Just me and my THREE cats”. I even held up 3 fingers to make sure he understood that there were indeed 3 cats.  I was so calm in the dream, like the fact that the house was literally falling apart due to intense heat and flames was no big deal.  The firefighter mentioned he was pretty sure they were all rescued already and that I needed to get out before more beams started falling.  I can’t remember if he picked me up, or if he just had his arms around me to lead me out of the room. During the dream, I was never burned or hurt from falling debris.

Both nights I woke up in a panic and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t scared while I was in the dream.  After I woke up, I didn’t recognize either of the houses I was in.  I am always curious as to what reoccurring dreams mean so I did a little research.

According to

To dream that a house is on fire indicates that you need to undergo some transformation. If you have recurring dreams of your family house on fire, then it suggests that you are still not ready for the change or that you are fighting against the change. Alternatively, it highlights passion and the love of those around you. says:

If you dream that it is your own house that is burning down then this suggests that you feel like your life is coming down around you. You are going through a period of complete and utter ruin and nothing is salvageable from the rubble. You will have to either rebuild your life anew, or move somewhere else and take everything you have left with you. This is metaphorically speaking of course.

Like I mentioned earlier, I didn’t recognize either of the houses in the dream so they weren’t  “my”house, but I know that when you dream of a house, the house usually represents your self.    I definitely can relate about feeling like I am in a period of complete and utter ruin. Tony has been out of work for almost 3 years, and hasn’t been getting paid from workers compensation since the middle of December.  The bills keep coming and I can’t keep being the only income. I get so frustrated and honestly a little resentful.  Tony didn’t get hurt at work on purpose, but it has been 3 years of hell dealing with workers compensation.

At first I wasn’t sure why Tony was not in the dream, but now I think it is because I feel like I am doing everything myself, without any help.  I pay all my bills, our bills and his bills.  I have handled it so far, but lately I feel like I can’t take it anymore but  I don’t know what else to do.  Right now we are waiting on Tony’s Spine doctor to fill out the proper form  and file it withe the workers comp. board.  Once that Is done we have to wait for the board to set a court date.  At the court date our lawyer will fight their lawyer and try to hammer out a settlement.  And while all that is going on we are waiting on Tony’s career councilor to help him find a job in a new field.   I hate relying on other people, especially when my financial future is involved! Since his career councilor is a little less than helpful, I helped Tony update his résumé with all his new licences for Asbestos and air quality related stuff.  He has been driving around and handing in resumes all over town at all different kinds of places, but all that driving means he is using a lot of gas, gas I have to pay for.  But if he doesn’t go and apply, he will never get a job.  It’s a vicious cycle.

Do you ever have reoccurring dreams?

Are you the only income for your family?

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4 thoughts on “My Reoccurring Nightmare

  1. arleen

    Hang in there Diane. Things will get better I promise you. But it will take time. Be patient and think of all the good things you have in life.

  2. Melissa Miller Young

    Diane, hang in there! It’s a hard place for you right now, I totally get that because I spent a good part of last year there myself. It’s a scary place, and you don’t have a target or place to share your grief, fear and yes, anger because like you said, he didn’t mean to get hurt and you don’t want to make him feel worse than he already does. I will tell you what I tell my clients, and what I told myself daily for a period of time – this too shall pass. Focus on what’s right, the little things, and spend as much time there as you can. Will it make a job miraculously appear? Maybe not, but it will the time until it does bearable. Hang in there!

  3. Diane Post author

    He is just as stressed as I am and I think we are both at the point where we don’t want to talk about it because we don’t want to make the other worry even more. We try to do little things to try to brighten each others day.


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