Give Your Pet Special Treatment At The Pet Salon

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Have you ever wondered how well do you know and treat your pet? You might be the most affectionate and lovable pet owner holding pride in pampering your pet like your child. Then, can I assume you take proper care of their grooming as well? Congrats, if you do. If you don’t, then your pet dogs and cats’ health might be on a toll without you even realizing it. Now don’t panic, if you are a first-time pet-owner and clueless what is grooming and how to do it, there are pet salons exclusively meant for taking care of their personal hygiene. It is time to pamper your pet and give them the royal treatment they deserve to be such an important part of your life.

Just to give you a head start, there are some grooming basics that will prove useful for future:

Hair Brushing

Always brush your dog hair first and ensure you do it thoroughly. How often you should do it varies based on their hair type.

  • Long-haired dogs need daily brushing to prevent matting and hair tangling.
  • Medium-haired dogs can be brushed once in a week.
  • Short-haired dogs brushing can be relaxed for a month.

Matted hair not only covers the excess dirt but also hide wounds that you wouldn’t know existed until it ends up with an infection. The ultimate aim for brushing is to remove loose hair and distribute the skin’s oil throughout the coat. There is nothing wrong in cutting the mat, it will grow back and your dog won’t really care about how his hair looks anyway. The pet parlor will give him a chic look and get rid of the mats at the same time, if you don’t want to do it yourself.

Nail Trimming

Trimming nails can be a struggle most of the times as the dog is scared of the pain if nails are cut too short and owners often fear they will hurt the dog in the process. The pet salon or groomer can solve your woes. They mostly need monthly nail trims but it can vary depending on its growth rate.


Hygiene is important for your pet to ensure they are not carrying any infection with them. Regular bathing your dog will tackle that situation. Always use a soap-free shampoo meant for dogs, find the one that suits your dog’s skin and coat. The pet parlor will have a better idea. So, you just take them for their own personal spa for a royal treat.

Ear Care

Keep your dog’s ears clean from dirt and wax that might have bacteria and yeast covered inside. They are prone to ear problems which can be genetics in few cases. If your dog has floppy ears or long hairs then you need to be extra cautious. They might be predisposed to ear problems due to lack of air exposure.


There are some breeds of dog requiring haircut every 2-4 weeks. They have a continuous growing hair. You can give them basic haircut. If you want to give your dog a trendy look, let the pet parlor handle it. Discuss about your requirement and they will give you the desired result.

Doesn’t sound that hard, does it? So, relax and have happy grooming time.

Today’s guest post is submitted by Jessica Reynolds. She is an avid blogger who writes on a myriad of topic. She loves all kinds of animals, especially dogs and cats and is also an active member of PETA.

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12 thoughts on “Give Your Pet Special Treatment At The Pet Salon

  1. erinemhatton

    Grooming can be a bit of a headache. Glad to have a dog with short hair and short ears this time, after having a cocker spaniel as a teen. The only issue is the nails. She needs two holding her down and one to cut. 🙂

  2. Jenn

    This is one of the reasons I opted for a Pug. They’re not only sweet, lovable, and adaptable to just about any family/lifestyle, but they’re also easy to groom: short hair means no mats or knots, and just brushing with a rubber brush a few times a week. The biggest thing is nail trimmings, and wiping down the folds around the nose.

  3. Terri

    I would love to take Kitty to the groomers/ pet salon but she has been banned from all them in our area…do have any idea how embarrassing it is for a groomer to call you to come get your cat and when you get there, they tell you not to bring her back!!! I have to go the vet to have her groomed at 4X the cost!!!


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