4 Items Every Physically Active Pet Owner Needs

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Full length Shot of a Healthy Young Woman Jogging in the Park with her Black Pet Dog

Engaging in regular physical activity is incredibly beneficial for both pets and their humans. Aside from helping you and your furry friend stay in shape, regular exercise builds and maintains strong bones and muscles. Plus, regular exercise can make both you and your pup feel happier and less stressed out.

Additionally, physical activities give your pet an outlet for all of their pent-up energy, thus preventing them from developing behavioral issues. Whether you’re someone who’s always been into keeping fit or are new to working out in general, getting your pet in on the action is a great way to stay energized and motivated. You can even make the experience more enjoyable, comfortable, and convenient by investing in a few essential items. Our list includes everything an active pet parent might need for their fur baby, from collapsible dog travel bowls to running leashes and everything in between:

A Collapsible Travel Bowl

Staying hydrated is important when you’re working out and sweating a lot. It goes without saying that your pet also needs water when they’re exercising alongside you. You can bring along a convertible water bottle that you and your pup can share, but those can be bulky and cumbersome to use.

Another solution is to bring a collapsible travel bowl that you can fill up with your water bottle or a drinking fountain. The best part is that these lightweight travel bowls are easy to run with because they flatten down to a thin and compact form factor when not in use.
When choosing a collapsible travel bowl, go for an option that’s BPA-free and made with durable materials. You might also want to look into bowls that can hold both food and water, as they make for great all-in-one feeding and drinking bowls that you can bring on road trips with your pup.

A Running Leash

Also known as a waist leash or a hands-free leash, running leashes allow you to safely bring your pup along on your runs. They are also favored by outdoorsy pet parents who enjoy taking their dogs along on hikes.

If your dog is new to running, you may want to use a handheld leash first. Handheld leashes provide the holder with more control over the pet while running, allowing you to steer and stop them when necessary. Once your pup has learned not to pull, you can start getting them used to a hands-free leash. Combined with a sturdy harness, you should be able to maintain control over your furry running companion without tugging on them each time you swing your arms.
When choosing a running leash, you’ll want it to be relatively short. Retractable leashes and long leashes can easily get tangled around your legs or that of your pet. Experts recommend using a lightweight leash that’s between two to six feet long. Flexible leashes should only be used with well-trained dogs who have learned how to keep pace with their owners.

A Martingale Collar

In recent years, martingale loop collars have been gaining in popularity as a friendlier and more humane alternative to traditional flat collars. Also known as no-slip collars, they make use of a double loop mechanism that only tightens around the pet’s neck whenever it is pulled. This gives the owner an adequate amount of control over their pup without exerting too much pressure on their pet’s throat and windpipe.

Preferred by dog trainers and conscious pet parents, martingale collars are an excellent addition to the physically active pet owner’s collection of dog accessories. When paired with a running leash, they help keep your little escape artist from getting away without hurting them, all while keeping your hands free. Keep in mind, though, that a martingale collar should never be used with a retractable leash.

When shopping for a martingale collar, you’ll want to make sure that it’s the correct size for your pup. So before you buy one, use a tape measure or a piece of string to measure the circumference of your dog’s neck. The measurement should be snug but not tight, and you should be able to comfortably fit two fingers between your dog’s neck and the tape measure or string.

A Fetch Toy

Engaging your dog in a game of fetch with a ball or frisbee can seem one-sided at first, fitness-wise. However, there are several ways to change up the usual routine so that you’re getting as much exercise as your pup. For example, you can try doing lunges, push-ups, and squats between throws. You can also use a multi-purpose toy to play a variety of other engaging games with your pet. For example, a well-made rope frisbee toy or a rope-tennis ball hybrid toy will allow you to play games of fetch and tug-of-war with your pup.


Exercising with your pet doesn’t just come with a host of health benefits. It’s also an excellent way to create a stronger bond between yourself and your pup. All you need to do is invest in a few essential items so that you and your pet can make the most out of each workout or play session.


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